Optimization of sensory properties of smoked catfish produced under distinct processing conditions

Oluwafemi Babatunde Oduntan, Adeola Anthonia Adesokan, Abosede Oluwakemi Oduntan, Gilberto Reynoso-Meza


This study focuses on optimizing the sensory properties of smoked catfish (Clarias gariepinus) produced under specific processing conditions. The research investigates how different heat sources, fish thicknesses, and drying methods affect key sensory properties such as aroma, taste, texture, and overall acceptability. By employing a multi-objective optimization approach, the study evaluates the trade-offs between different processing parameters to determine the most effective techniques for producing high-quality smoked catfish. The results show that electric heating provides the best balance between fish thickness and aroma consistency, while charcoal-based methods, particularly air blower-assisted charcoal, provide better texture but a more variable aroma outcome. The findings provide valuable insight for manufacturers seeking to optimize sensory properties and assist in decision-making when selecting appropriate processing techniques to improve product quality.


acceptability; trade-offs; charcoal; quality; optimization

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/fsr2275


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