RView on Physical Function of alkylamide compounds from Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Jiawei Guan


Zanthoxylum bungeanum,BelongingRUtaceae family and Zanthoxylum L.Genus,Is one of the traditional "eight major conditions" in China,Which is an important entry in many kinds of tra-Traditional Chinese Medicine due to the functional activates of Cold-diving,Dehumidification,Anaesthesia,And acesodyne.China has the highest planting area and yield of Zanthoxylum bungeanum.As the eco-nomic tree plants,Zanthoxylum bungeanum has the ecological,Social,And economic benefits.RE-cently,The planting area of Zanthoxylum bungeanum has been created at the speed of 20%~30%.It has been widely accepted that zanthohylum bungeanum has distilled medical functions,Such as antioxi-Dant activities,Inside activities,Anaesthesia,Anti-inflammatory and analgesic,Hypolipidemic,Re-moving wrinkles,Anticancer,And so on.As the special functional ingredients,Alkylamide Compounds


Zanthoxylum bungeanum;Alkylamide compounds;Physiological Function;Types

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/fsr.v1i1.1212


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