EffectsRHizoma Gastrodiae alcohol extract on monosacide composition and Biological Activity of Grifola frondosa exopolysacide

Xiaoxiao Zhang


 The composition and anti-tumor bioactivityRHizoma Gastrodiae alcohol extract to the liquid fermentation system of Grifola frondosa.. HPLC. applied. analyze. monosaccharide composition. exopolysaccharide samples, re-sults showed, crude exopolysaccharide samples. composed. glucoseMannose, A small. galactose.Whereas. mannoseRhamnoseGlucoseGalactoseArabinoseFucose etc. main monosaccharide composition. pure exopolysaccharides.Furthermore. Addition.RHizoma gastrodiae alcohol extract had a significant change. content. monosaccharide component. exopolysaccharideBut did not produce. new monosaccharide component. Polysaccharide.. Sample. pure exopolysaccharides. Monosaccharide molar ratio. mannose: Rhamnose:Glucose: Ga-lactose Arabinose:Fucose. 13. 8:3. 9:5:3. 7/:1:1. 7/While. pure exopolysaccharides fermented.RHizoma gastrodiae monosaccharide mole ratio. 12. 7/:3. 2:5. 6:3. 5:1:1. 6..: About. Biological Activity grifola frondosa exopolysaccharide. mice macrophage(RAW264. 7/)Showed, pure exopolysaccharides fermented.RHizoma gastrodiae had obvious activation. macrophage.. Pure exopolysaccharides, exopolysaccharides obtained by fermentation.RHizoma gastrodiae had certain activation. macrophage.. Activation. macrophages by crude exopolysaccha-rides. not significant.. VitroFour polysaccharide samples showed no inhibitory effect. Human hepatoma HepG 2 cells.


RHizoma gastrodiae alcohol extract;Grifola frondosa;Monosaccharide;Composition;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/fsr.v1i1.1210


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