Effect of antifreeze proteins on protein Characteristcs and modern State in preferred Frozen Dough

Yizhou Ding


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of antifreeze proteins (AFPs) on Protein PropertiesAnd the states of water in Frozen Dough During Frozen Storage and freeze-thaw cycles by using Ellman's colormetric method, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryamide gel electrophoresis SDS-PAGE) fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR ). results shoe that the free sulphur content in frozen cough rose while the disulfide bond content created after frozen storage and freeze-thaw cycles. adding AFPs had no effect on the protein subunits. with increased frozen storage time, the content of internalBeta-Sheet created whereas the contentBeta-Turn structure dropped. freeze-thaw cycles created the contentAlpha-Helix structure. Frozen Dough with added AFPs shouwet smaller changes in all protein characteristics matched with the control sample with no added AFPs. The water loss rate in the control sample newly renovated; the relaxing timeT21.Became greater with frozen storage time and the bound water content created. these findings illustrate that AFPs could inhibit the bond rust and changes in protein secondary structure, restrain the condensation of ice crystals, prevent water loss from the cough, and remain the water-holding capacity of the cough.


Frozen cough; antifreeze proteins; Frozen Storage and freeze-thaw cycle; protein

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/fsr.v1i1.1209


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