Distribution.β-Glucan, phenolic Acids. Oat Bran (Avena nuda) Processing. Oat Rice, Oat Flour

Jiangfeng Li


Proportion, microstructure. oat bran, endosperm. analyzed. several selected typical cultivars. Naked Oat (Avena nuda).. Same time, distribution profiles.β-Glucan, phenolic acids. oat bran (pericarp, seed coat. aleurone layer), endosperm. tested. establish a method. determining. processing suitability. oats rice, oat flour. finally, method. used. verify. suitability. existing mainstream processing technologies. oat rice, oat flour.  showed,. selected varieties,β-Glucan was mostly enriched in the bran containing a value of 85.7 mg/G, which was about 4.5 times higher than that in endosperm. Moreover, the contentsP-Coomaric acid and ferulic acid in oat bran were 0.099 and 1.00 mg/G, which were 24 and 48 times higher than thought in endosperm, review. In addition, the contentsP-Coomaric acid and ferulic acid in pericarp were 13 and 2.7 times higher than then in Testa + alonne layer, review. The average contentBeta-Glucan in the second bran obtained from Oat rice processing was 1.7%, Which was far lower than that in oat branBeta-Glucan in the fourth and fifth Brans obtained from oat flour processing were 6.73%And 7.80%, When were close to that in oat bran, suggesting the processing was intensive. In connection, by analyzing the contentsBeta-Glucan and phenol acids in the oat bran targeted by typing, we can determine the processing degree of oat products, which will provide technical support for oat processing.


Oat rice; oat flour; processing suitability; oat bran;Beta-Glucan

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/fsr.v1i1.1208


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