Analyze the Development Status and Optimization Strategies of Food Cold Chain Logistics

Yujie Li, Khor Kok Keat


Researchers pointed out that in recent years, with the improvement and optimization of living standards, the food cold chain logistics industry has developed vigorously. In general, based on the promotion of food cold chain logistics, researchers can further realize the reasonable exploration of cold chain logistics, so as to effectively realize the overall development and construction of cold chain logistics, which is good for the reasonable satisfaction of the people’s dietary needs. The promotion of meaning and value. On the other hand, the development of the cold chain logistics industry has further realized the reasonable satisfaction of the requirements of the cold chain transportation of food materials, has a good guiding role in the realization of long-distance transportation of food materials, and is conducive to the diversified development of the people’s diet structure. However, at present, in the process of food cold chain logistics work, my country still has certain shortcomings to be improved. This article analyzes the development status of food cold chain logistics, and proposes corresponding optimization strategies at the same time, aiming to effectively realize the improvement and optimization of the comprehensive level of my country’s food cold chain logistics industry.


Food Industry; Cold Chain Logistics; Application Value; Development Status; Optimization Strategy

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