Bioconversion of peanut hulls into digestible and nutritive ruminant feed
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of four lignin-degrading fungal species to breakdown lignin to improve the nutritional value and enhance the rumen degradability of low-quality roughage such as peanut hulls. The substrate was incubated with Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Calocybe indica, Pleurotus djamor for 56 days under solid state conditions (humidity, 70% ± 5%, temperature, 22 ℃ ± 5 ℃). The chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of the substrates were measured at various fungal incubation periods. Fungal incubation significantly (P < 0.05) increased crude protein (CP), ash content, and IVDMD while decreasing dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and lignin in all substrates. There was a consistent increase in the content of CP with the increasing incubation length. At the end of 56 days incubation period, the content (g/kg DM) of CP increased from 3.80 to 6.53 in peanut hulls treated by Calocybe indica; from 3.98 to 6.53 by Agaricus bisporus; from 3.99 to 6.00 by Pleurotus ostreatus and from 3.89 to 6.08 by Pleurotus djamor. The content (g/kg DM) of NDF reduced from 88.7 to 75.6 by Agaricus bisporus; 84.97 to 72.43 by Pleurotus ostreatus; 85.0 to 72.30 by Calocybe indica; and 85.5 to 70.93 by Pleurotus djamor. Incubation with fungal species resulted in a large decline in the content of lignin in SCB. Overall, the lignin content (g/kg DM) was reduced from 21.9 to 13.1 by Agaricus bisporus; 22.0 to 13.5 by Calocybe indica; 22.2 to 12.9 by Pleurotus ostreatus and from 21.87 to 14.46 by Pleurotus djamor. The content of IVDMD (P < 0.05) increased with the fungal incubation in SCB. The content of IVDMD (g/kg) increased from 30.67 to 47.9 by Agaricus bisporus; 32.3 to 47.67 by Pleurotus ostreatus; 32.37 to 47.9 by Calocybe indica; and 32.97 to 48.16 by Pleurotus djamor after 56 days of incubation period. These changes in CP, lignin, NDF and IVDMD demonstrate that Calocybe indica has a higher capability of improving the digestibility for ruminants than Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus djamor. Overall, the study demonstrated that solid-state fermentation of peanut hulls with lignin-degrading fungi significantly improves their nutritional quality by reducing lignin content and increasing CP and IVDMD.
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Abo-Donia FM, Abdel-Azim SN, Elghandour MMY, et al. Feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation activities in sheep-fed peanut hulls treated with Trichoderma viride or urea. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 2013; 46(1): 221–228. doi: 10.1007/s11250-013-0479-z
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