A look at the treatment of the contents of Agroecology as a component of agricultural education in Biology 1

Luis Daniel Alonso Gómez, Franciss Brown Smith, Yordanka Castro Ramos


Currently, the study of Agroecology as a component of agricultural education in the subject of Biology 1 and the treatment of its contents at the basic secondary educational level is of great importance. Agricultural education is of vital importance to achieve sustainable development, adopting environmental, economic and social policies based on agroecological principles related to food production and local development from the Cuban educational system. In this sense, it is necessary for teachers to promote and encourage students towards the use of agroecological practices to contribute to the education of current and future generations in love and respect for rurality and for the school to become an extensionist of the agrarian culture. The objective of this article is: to systematize the theoretical foundations of Agroecology as a component of agricultural education and the treatment of its contents, promoting agroecological practices on the basis of food sovereignty and security. To achieve this objective, theoretical (analytical-synthetic; inductive-deductive) and empirical (observation; documentary analysis and interview) methods were used. The importance of this work lies in seventh grade students being able to develop agroecological practices in school, family and community with a view to finding possible solutions to the problems associated with production processes to support family food security.


Agroecology; agricultural education; food sovereignty; food safety; sustainable development; agroecological practices

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/pas.v6i2.2229


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