Teaching methods to grow (persea americana mill) obtained from seed in a family yard

Franciss Brown Smith, Yohanna Alexandra Grandales Brown, Mercedes Lina Wong Torres


In the National Strategy for the Conservation of Vegetable Species thinks about among their priorities that it is a necessity, to understand, to document and to recognize the Cuban vegetable diversity sufficiently, as well as their conservation, developing, work educational and public commitment for this way to contribute to the appropriate preservation of the traditional cultivares of Cuba. It is a necessity the solution of this problem keeping in mind that the production of foods from a perspective of alimentary and nutritional security, has in its base the integration of the actors from the local thing to the national thing. In this sense they exist political of government and educational established for potenciar the integration of the communities and the local actors with the educational centers. With the objective of conserving the variety of the avocado (American Persea Mill) and to favor the local agricultural administration by means of the integration of teaching methods, it was used the observation and the method of investigation action participativa and one kept in mind the selected describers of the list of the International Institute of Resources Fitogenéticos (IPGRI) and the International Union for the Protection of the Vegetable Obtaining (UPOV). the Franciss-green and Franciss-lived denominated avocado varieties were characterized for their conservation. As main conclusion you integrates the I diagnose of the resources fitogenéticos, to the programs of educational projects, of training for local producers and of university extension that embraces the knowledge of the community conception in the relationships university-society for the alimentary sovereignty and the execution of the calendar 2030 and ODS in a family patio of the municipality Güira of Mane.


local cultivars; phylogenetic resources; community conservation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ppas.v6i1.2222


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