

Identifying new species is crucial for biodiversity conservation. The recent State of the World’s Plants and Fungi report highlights that three out of every four undescribed plant species are at risk of extinction, and there may be over 2 million undiscovered fungi species. Many newly identified species are known from only a single surviving individual or are found in habitats slated for destruction. This situation underscores the urgency of discovery and protection efforts.

However, there is optimism in the ongoing conservation initiatives. Through international partnerships, efforts are being made to protect these new species by integrating their habitats into networks of Important Plant Areas and conserving their seeds via the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership at Wakehurst. While there are effective methods to save the most threatened species, timely discovery remains essential to ensure these natural wonders are not lost.


Source from: https://www.kew.org/read-and-watch/top-10-species-2023