Analysis of the phenomenon of mainstream media live stream_x005fing sales under media integration

Yimeng Wu


Media has completely surpassed the two main roles of the direct integration communicator of modern traditional media information
and the direct carrier of modern information content, becoming a huge media information network that can simultaneously connect modern
people’s lives as a node of time, all related to people, things, and events. The entire modern Chinese network society, as well as the daily
work and survival of modern people today, are integrated and connected to this vast information network. The integration and development
of various media driven by the advancement, development, and innovation of information technology make it difficult for people to under_x005fstand old media in a traditional way. Nowadays, new communication media are not just direct carriers or indirect channels for transmitting
information and content. Media has gradually penetrated into various details of our modern society and the daily lives of every generation.
After 2020, with the deep entry of mainstream online media into the market, promoting products through online live streaming and audio and
video has gradually become a trend in online media communication. This may also be a vivid and close combination of the deep integration
of online communication media and online cultural communication media into daily life.


live streaming public welfare; Mainstream media; Live streaming platform sales; Optimization approach

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