Exploration of “Course Certificate Integration” for Software Technology Majors Based on the “1+X” Certifi cate System

Yuan Yang


With the continuous development of information technology, software technology has become one of the most promising
majors in today’s society. However, the rapid development of software technology majors has also brought many problems, one of which
is the employment problem of students. The “1+X” certifi cate system is proposed by China’s education department to promote vocational
educa tion reform. It refers to students obtaining multiple vocational skill level certifi cates while obtaining academic qualifi cations. The
“1+X” certifi cate system points out the direction for software technology majors to expand their employment and entrepreneurship skills,
and alleviate structural employment confl icts. This article explores the construction strategy of “course certifi cate integration” for software
technology majors under the “1+X” certifi cate system, hoping to provide valuable reference for colleagues.


“1+X”; Certifi cate system; Software technology; Course certifi cate integration

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/mcs.v5i5.2049


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