The Artistic Charm of Portrait Description in Zweig’s “Lev Tolstoy”

Xia Yang


The biography of “Lev Tolstoy” in the second unit of the eighth grade Chinese textbook is a classic work by Zweig. At the
beginning of the article, the author unreservedly describes the crude and ugly appearance of Tolstoy. This refl ects the author’s ingenuity and
is full of artistic charm. Firstly, it creates a shocking eff ect by suppressing and then uplifting the subject. Secondly, it brings Tolstoy down
from the pedestal, leading the readers into the protagonist’s life. Thirdly, it cleverly uses contrast to emphasize the protagonist’s spiritual
realm. Therefore, Zweig deeply understands Tolstoy’s moral cultivation and life realm.


Textbook version; “Lev Tolstoy”; Portrait description; Artistic charm

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