Study on the operation mode of Harbin Russian overseas Chinese music culture mechanism

Qin Yang, Changchang Liu


In the first half of the 20th century, Harbin was the “Eastern Moscow” of the Russian overseas Chinese, the “cultural
island” isolated from Russia, and the “musical enclave” on which the Russian overseas Chinese spirit and culture depended. Inspired by
Loqin’s “Poetics of music culture” research model, this paper probes into the operation mode of the Russian overseas Chinese music culture
mechanism in Harbin, and holds that the construction of Harbin Middle East Railway, the establishment of Harbin Symphony Orchestra and
the establishment of Harbin No. 1 Music School are important specifi c mechanism factors that support the emergence and existence of the
Russian overseas Chinese “enclave” music society.


Russian overseas Chinese in Harbin; “Music enclave”; Cultural mechanism; “Poetics of music Culture”

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