Knowledge map of rural elderly health research at home and abroad - Visualized bibliometric analysis based on CiteSpace

Feifei Li


By using CiteSpace 6.1.R6 literature measurement software, the 1184 literatures included in WOS and 417 literatures
included in CNKI database were retrospectively analyzed and mapped in terms of co-citation, author, publication institution, keyword cooccurrence, keyword emergence, keyword frequency and other indicators. To summarize the hot spots and changing trends in the research
on rural elderly health at home and abroad, so as to provide a basis for the research on rural elderly health under the rural revitalization.
The analysis results show that: (1) The research on the health of the rural elderly at home and abroad shows an annual trend of “fl uctuating
rise”, but the research development process at home and abroad is diff erent. (2) In terms of inter-institutional cooperation and inter-author
cooperation, domestic and foreign research shows low network density and intermediary centrality, research forces are scattered, and
collaborative results are few. (3) There are some diff erences between domestic and foreign research hotspots on rural elderly health, but
from the perspective of keyword cluster analysis, the research hotspots involve many fi elds. The research on the health of the rural elderly is
also an important refl ection of the strategy of rural revitalization, and the depth and breadth of the research on the health of the rural elderly
should be further expanded in the future.


population aging; Rural area; Health of the elderly; Visual metrology; CiteSpace

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