Analysis on the production technology innovation and artistic style expression of the animated fi lm "Spider-Man: The Universe"

Yuqin Zhu


The animated fi lm Spider-Man: Into the Universe is the sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Parallel Universe and the second
installment of the Spider-Verse series. IMDb beyond the previous work, the fi lm evaluation score as high as 9.1, Rotten Tomatoes total
number of media praise accounted for 97%, MTC total score 86, all kinds of high score data nothing but to confi rm it in the upgrade, and
is beyond our imagination of the degree of evolution, so cool multiple mix and unprecedented vision, must be inseparable from excellent
technical support. In the context of diff erent kinds of artistic styles, this paper analyzes and explores the production technology used and
innovated by the animated fi lm "Spider-Man: The Universe".


animated fi lm; Production technology; Artistic style

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