Teaching re form and explora tion o f voca tional py thon programming course based on OBE

Guiling Wang


Based on the OBE education concept and following the principle of “reverse design and forward implementation”, this
paper proposes a targeted reform design and exploration on the teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching
eff ect evaluation of python course. In the teaching process of python course, the results-oriented online and offl ine mixed teaching mode is
adopted, so that students can have a clear understanding of the teaching objectives of the course and the ability it should have, which can
stimulate students’ learning interest and improve the teaching quality and learning eff ect of python programming course. This paper also
discusses the expansion and refl ection of the course.


python; OBE; And mixed online and offl ine teaching

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Computer Knowledge and Technology,2023,19(1):145-148.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/mcs.v5i3.1926


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