Research on the reform of accounting informatization talent training mode in Higher Vocational Colleges in the intelligent Era

Ying Liu


the development of artifi cial intelligence and big data technology has brought great challenges and opportunities to the accounting
industry, and also put forward higher requirements for the training of accounting professionals in higher vocational colleges. At present, accounting
informatization, as an important part of enterprise fi nancial informatization construction, has higher requirements for accounting informatization
talents in the intelligent era. Higher vocational colleges need to innovate the training mode of accounting informatization talents according to the
changes of the times, so as to promote the comprehensive development of accounting students. In view of this, this paper will analyze and consider
the training of accounting informatization talents in Higher Vocational Colleges in the intelligent era, hoping to provide reference for higher
vocational colleges to cultivate more high-quality and high skilled accounting informatization talents.


intelligent era; Higher vocational education; Accounting; Information technology personnel training; strategy


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