Research on Japanese Movie Posters Based on Colour Combination Image Scale (1989s-2019s)

Nan Lin


This article takes colour as a starting point to explore the contemporary and artistic aspects of movie posters in the Heisei era. Movie poster is the direct expression of the soul of the film, a good movie poster can not only accurately convey the information of the film and express the meaning, but also stimulate the interest of the public and enhance the artistic charm. This paper aims to study the colour in movie posters, using the colour image coordinate tool to analyse the colour scheme of love movie posters, and combining it with the corresponding period background to do the relevant research on colour and period. Colour has a strong vitality in poster design, which can infect the audience's emotions, and the emotions and artistic expression conveyed by colour have different artistic effects in different era contexts.


Poster; Color; Color Combination Image Scale

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