A quantitative study into the drivers of engagement behavior in short video sharing mobile applications: a Chinese context

Weiming Wang


This study aimed to identify the drivers of engagement behavior in short video-sharing mobile applications in a Chinese
context. A quantitative research design was used to collect data from a sample of Chinese users of Douyin, one of China’s most popular
short videos sharing mobile applications. The study adopted a mixed-methods approach involving both a survey and an interview. The study
found several key drivers of engagement behavior on Douyin. The most important driver was the platform’s user-generated content (UGC)
feature, allowing users to create and share short videos easily. The study also found that personalized recommendations, social features,
and gamifi cation were important drivers of engagement behavior. The study also found that cultural dimensions, such as individualismcollectivism, power distance, masculinity-femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term-short-term orientation, had an influence on
engagement behavior on Douyin. The study showed that users in individualistic cultures, cultures with high power distance and masculinity,
low uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation were more likely to engage with the app.


Douyin, TikTok, short video, customer involvement, consumer engagement

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/mcs.v5i2.1741


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