Exploration and practice of blended learning design in piano improvisation teaching in colleges and universities

Wei Zhang


Improvised Piano Accompaniment is a compulsory course for music majors, which combines music theory with performance
practice. Based on the SPOC teaching platform in the school, centering on the teaching concept of “student-centered”, and through the
practice of mixed courses, the author designed a blended learning mode that combines the three in one online and offl ine multiple teaching
activities, and integrates individual learning and group learning. Through the design of diversifi ed learning activities throughout the entire
teaching process, students’ learning eff ects can be improved from multiple dimensions, so as to achieve high-level curriculum learning


piano impromptu accompaniment; Blended learning; Flipped classroom; learning activities

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/mcs.v5i1.1638


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