The Free Development of "One-Dimensional Man" in the era of "Everything is Medium"

Xiangyuan Zhang


Marcuse criticized the industrial civilization brought about by the rapid development of industrial society in "The One-Dimensional Man: A Study of the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society". The book explains in detail that the development of capitalism has turned people into purely technical animals that do not have their own spiritual life and emotional life, and lack the spirit of criticism and negation and multi-directional thinking. Under such material oppression, "technical logic" turns man into a deformed and alienated "one-dimensional man." However, with the advancement of the times and the rapid update and iteration of science and technology, human beings have not been completely immersed in one-way media indoctrination under the one-dimensional totalitarian society, and technology has developed rapidly at the same time as there is no simple control thought. Citizens are active in thinking, extending their spirits, and To express oneself, the construction of discourse power under the traditional discourse system gradually disintegrates, and the "one-dimensional person" is transformed into a "multi-dimensional person", realizing the relatively free development of human beings.


One Dimensional People; Critical Thinking

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Herbert Marcuse. One-dimensional man[M]. Beacon Press: 1991-10, ISBN: 9780807014172.

The 49th Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China. Available from: c135-5314.html.

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