Exploring the Influence of CGI Virtual Spokesperson Characteristics on Advertising Effectiveness——The Moderating Role of Consumer’s Age and Gender

Zhou Gui


Along with the development of the artificial intelligence era, more and more brands and companies are adopting CGI avatars with superb realism for advertising endorsements. This paper takes Candy, the CGI virtual spokesperson for Prada perfume, as the research object to explore the moderating effects of consumer age and gender on advertising effectiveness. The study shows that the characteristics (attractiveness and relevance) of the CGI virtual spokesperson have a significant positive effect on the advertising effectiveness (advertising attitude, brand attitude, purchase intention), while the gender of the consumer does not have a moderating effect on the relationship between the characteristics of the virtual spokesperson and advertising effectiveness.


CGI virtual spokesperson, advertising effectiveness, age; gender

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/mcs.v4i4.1553


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