Research on Crisis Reporting in Chinese Colleges and Universities based on Agenda-setting and Framing Theory——Taking the Sexual Harassment Incidents in Colleges and Universities in the Past 10 Years as Examples

Yusen Liu, Siyuan Pei


In recent years, sexual harassment incidents in domestic colleges and universities have emerged one after another, triggering a wave of public opinion. College students, the main group of sexual harassment in colleges and universities, are in their youth. The impact of sexual harassment on them not only includes the damage to their physical and mental health, but also includes the damage to their future planning and social behavior. At present, many scholars have conducted profound research on sexual harassment incidents in colleges and universities, but the main research fields focus on psychology and law. Sexual harassment in colleges and universities is a crisis event in colleges and universities. The report of crisis is an important part of the media report and comment on the sudden event. At the same time, crisis report is also one of the main means of public relations communication and management. At present, Chinese media reports on the crisis of sexual harassment in colleges and universities are mainly divided into two main bodies: mass media and university media, which show different characteristics. Especially in the current new media environment, media reports are more rapid, diverse and chaotic. In the context of new media, it is more important for media reports to take the right strategies to deal with emergencies in colleges and universities, guide public opinion, construct the media field, and improve the news information release mechanism. Based on the agenda-setting theory and frame theory, this paper will analyze the characteristics and explore the strategies of the reports on the sexual harassment crisis in colleges and universities in China from the field ofjournalism and communication in recent years.


Agenda Setting; Frame Theory; Crisis Reporting; Sexual Harassment; Mass Media

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