Relationship between Media and Society——With a Focus on the Difference Between Men and Women in Media

Yuyue Chi


Media is a big part of our lives all the time. Especially, with the development of internet and new media, there are more ways to communicate and spread messages nowadays, and it costs less. Since changes have been happening in a rapid way, the relationship between media and its audience also changed strongly. Paintings in ancient times, for example, can only be consumed in a relatively small area. People who owned paintings always belong to the upper class, where they have time and money to have an artist finish the work. But as our society develops further, we have better containers for these paintings, and what improved the spread of them is the invention of photography. Photography not only make it possible for paintings to spread out in larger areas, by making a reproduction of them in only a few seconds, but it also cause art to be less scarce, most people can afford a photograph of themselves, so they do not need an artist to paint for them anymore. 


Media; Relationship Between People and the Media; Difference

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