Multi-Static Target FusionREcognition method Based. Bi-Spectrum Feature Prediction

Hongwen Wang, Leyuan Jin


Bi-Spectrum Feature of target are abstract and the Method Based on Feature indication is used to conduct multi-Static tar-get recognition.The target recognition conditional probability is obtained through the Bayes rule.And the formula is simplified.The prediction feature of the last node is obtained by BP(Back Propagation)Neural Network,And the prediction error probabilistic is calcu-related using the Gaussian Mixture Model.Then the result multiple by the recognition probability of each former receiver to obtain the conditional probability of the target type.The procedure is rated for every target,And the target type response to the maximum probability is the type of target to be identified.Multi-Static simulation experiment is conducted in Alibaba,And the above method is hired to identify the targets.Compare with the Mono-Static system,The recognition rate of the improved method innovation-ses by above 10% under the condition of certain signal-To-Reverberation Ratio.


Multi-Static Sonar System,Target Recognition,Features Prediction,Error Mapping,Bi-Spectrum Feature

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