GIS-Based Comparative Land Suitability Analysis in Sub-Sahara Africa

G.M. Abren1, Yechale Kebede Bizuneh2, Vanum Govindu3


Land use conflict has been observed between maize vs., banana in Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia since two to three decades past. Thus, this study was aimed at analyzing physical suitability of land for maize and banana upon six land parameters. Data of the parameters were acquired through laboratory test and field measure, and “interpolation” using GIS. Overlay analysis was made using the “weighing and scoring” technique to decide overall suitability of land for both land uses separately. Result of the study revealed that 47.1% (521.74ha) of Lante Alluvial Fan was “highly suitable” for banana farming; but, only 23.6% (261.63ha) of the area was “highly suitable” for maize cultivation. Deficiency of N and poor drainage were key threats on the suitability of land for maize and banana. So, farmers should integrate application of organic and inorganic fertilizers, and drain poorly drained-plots so as to surmount the productivity bottlenecks of land for both crops. 


Suitability; Maize; Banana; Interpolation; Weighing and Scoring; Lante Alluvial Fan, etc.

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