Large Eddy Simulation Analysis of Three-dimensional Flow Characteristics of Pump Turbine during Load Increase and Decrease

Xiucheng Hu, Lixiang Zhang


 LES (Large Eddy Simulation) is used to carry out 3-D unsteady numerical simulation of pump turbine's load increase and decrease transition process. Various vortex structures in the blade passage with different opening degrees are captured, vortex distribution in the blade passage is displayed, flow structure change characteristics in turbine and pump operating regions with low flow rate are analyzed, relationship between attack angle and blade passage vortex structure is revealed, different forms of blade passage vortex are studied, horseshoe vortex identification variables are proposed, and turbine operating conditions and pump operating conditions vortex structure change characteristics are compared. " The calculation shows that the hydraulic stability of the pump-turbine is closely related to the flow structure characteristics when the operating conditions of the unit are changed. During the load increase and decrease transition process, the size and distribution range of the vane vortex structure change greatly with time, which is the main factor affecting the great change of flow pattern.

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