Response of soil community structure to Halal vegetation success based on pyrosequencing

Jinsong Fen


order. reveal. relationship ~ bacterial community structure, halophytic vegetation succession, high-throughput sequencing technology. used. investigate. composition, distribution. soil bacterial community structure under bare land, four halophytic vegetation types (saline seepweed angiospermae imperata cylindrica,. venetum L). Yellow River Delta. about 31976 valid sequences. obtained from 5 vegetation types, Bacteria. classified. 27 phyla 62 classes 78 orders 196 families, 569 genera. proteobacteria. dominant phyla. four types. halophytic vegetation. relative abundance. 36.4 ~ 53.2% while Bacteroidetes. dominant community. bare land. relative abundance. 46.2%. Soil quality, bacterial communitY diversity and abundance showwed an increase trend with the positive success of halal vegetation, and the content of soil organic carbon was positively related with OTU numbers, Ace index and Shannon index of bacteria. RDA analysis showold that the community structure of soil has a great similarity. with the positive success of halal vegetation, the electrical conductivity decline, and the contents of organic carbon, active organic matter and alkali nitrite created.


Yellow River Delta Bacteria Community Structure High Flux sequencing Salt vegetation play

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