The possibility of replacing metal alloys with Si-SiC composites in certain technical applications

Sergey K Brantov


Present patent review is devoted to the analysis of some fields, important for mechanical engineering, where details made of silicon-carbon composites can be used successfully replacing traditional articles made of metal alloys. The advantages of the proposed materials are as follows: (i) almost a threefold reduction of the thermal expansion coefficient, (ii) higher hardness, (iii) higher chemical stability to oxidation at high temperature, (iv) an increase of limiting operating temperature of approximately 200oС, (v) practical absence of marked deterioration of physical--mechanical characteristics at heating under loading. Among the disadvantages are the complexity of mechanical treatment and the laboriousness of producing details of complex geometry. That is why we have concentrated on the analysis of the capabilities to use the proposed materials only for production of relatively small, but important and vulnerable to heating articles, one of which is the element of a trunk brake of artillery shells. The review is based on recent patents received with the participation of the author.


TEC (thermal expansion coefficient); Thermo-cycling; Chemical Stability under Heating; SiC (silicon carbide); CFM (carbon fibrous materials); High-temperature Properties; Composite Materials

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