Study of Surface Fuel Loading and Combustion Characteristics of Different Forest stands in Shandong Province

Rui Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Qian Xu, Xu Xin, Fengyun Ma


We examine the surface fuels of 11 main stands in Shandong Province, measured their combustion indexes such as load, moisture content, ignition point and calorific value. The results showed that the ignition point of surface litter layer < ignition point of surface humus layer, the calorific value of surface litter layer > calorific value of surface humus layer in the same stand. The lowest ignition point of litter layer in Pinus tabulaeformis forest was 265.67℃ and the highest calorific value was 21911.78 J/g. Among different forest stands, Pinus tabulaeformis forest has the strongest surface fuel combustion, while poplar forest has the weakest surface fuel combustion.


Surface Fuel; Combustion Characteristics; Fuel Loading

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