The Reconstruction of Regional Ecological Planning Value by Combining Conjugate Ecological Concept and Coupled InVEST Model

Changqi Liu


With the advancement of urbanization in modern society, the construction and development of cities has had an inestimable negative impact on the basic function of the natural system, and the excessive concentration of resources has also brought unprecedented pressure to the urban infrastructure. In the traditional urban design, city and ecology is often split and separate, at the end of the 20th century, mainly Europe, the United States, western countries saw the ecological potential of urban infrastructure, began to explore the combination of New York development and nature protection planning and design method, ecological planning and construction related theory and practice conjugate ecological concept and coupling InVEST model arises at the historic moment. Ecological planning and construction are different from the previous theory of environmental protection. Ecological planning and construction recognize human needs for society and focus on the combination of ecological protection and development and artificial infrastructure.


Ecological Planning; Conjugated Ecological Concept; InVEST Model; Ecological Security

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