Investigating Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Coastal Tidal Wetland Using Radon(222Rn)

Huizi Liu, Xiaoxuan Ji, Mingyang Wang, Mahmoud Sadat-Noori


The determination of groundwater-surface water interactions is an important process in the hydrological cycles and the worlds water balance. Research focused on groundwater-surface water interactions can be used to characterize the evolution of the wetland's water cycle, which plays an important role in the management of water resources. In addition, groundwater plays an important role in the functioning of wetlands. For example, in dry seasons, the groundwater aquifers replenish wetlands (P.Martinez-Santos et al., 2018).This process ensures the flow in the wetland and protects the ecological environment around it. The interaction of groundwater and surface water has become a popular topic of research because of its significance in a rational management and exploitation of the water resources. The exchange of groundwater and surface water is due to the difference between groundwater table and surface water elevation (Wmiter et al.,1998; Healy, 2012). Specifically, if the groundwater elevation is higher than the wetland elevation, the groundwater can discharge into the wetland. Limited research has been done on the connectivity of groundwater and surface water in the tidal wetland of Kooragang Island, Hunter River Estuary, Newcastle, Australia. Therefore, the groundwater tracer radon (222Rn) is used to assess the groundwater and surface water interactions in the tidal wetland.


Radon (222Rn); Groundwater-Surface Water

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