Alternative Data Analysis Approach and Ecological Perspectives on the Age-Related Changes in the Gut Microbiota of the Chinese Giant Salamanders (Andrias Davidianus)

Ruogu Wang


The gut microbiome of an organism plays a pivotal role in host fitness through contributions to host metabolism and behavior. In a previous study, Zhang et al (2018) discovered The Chinese Giant Salamander’s (CGS) (Andrias davidianus) gut microbiome reflects age development and growth, indicating both extrinsic (dietary) and intrinsic (host traits) forces influence the establishment and subsistence of microbes in the gut. Oftentimes, the effects of host-mediated selection on associated assemblages are more subtle than dietary-derived colonization for gut microbes, potentially drowning out important host effects on symbiotic associations. That said, recent advances in high thruput sequencing (HTS)have enabled researchers to uncover sequence-level differences through the usage of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), uncovering cryptic variations at the lowest taxonomic levels. In this study, we reassess the gut microbiome of the CGS over the course of development using ASVs as opposed to 97% clustering to understand the effects of host-mediated selection on dietary derived microbes in larval and juvenile salamanders[1]. Our results will provide much-needed clarity concerning the definition of a species in HTS studies as well as an understanding of how gut microbiomes are established and maintained over development in a highly endemic, critically endangered salamander.


Environmental Science; Technical Research; ASV

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