Water and Hydroelectric Power Sharing

Liangzhou Tang, Peiyi Yu, Yongsheng Lei


With climate change, the amount of water available to dams and reservoirs in many regions is decreasing. In order to help the US government solve the problem of water shortage in the west, we have formulated a reasonable water allocation plan according to the current water supply conditions. Based on the water levels of Lake Mead and Lake Powell and the water supply and demand relationship in five states, a supply and demand condition model was established to obtain the hydropower demand plan of the five states. The model calculated that it would take 0.356 days without additional water supply. In order to solve the interest competition between general water use and electricity production water, a linear programming model and a satisfaction model are established.


Colorado River Basin; Water Allocation; Linear Programming Model

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/pes.v4i1.1461


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