A Study of Monopile with Super Large Diameter in Layered Soils

Zhen Huang, Meng Jiang


With the development of ocean engineering, monopiles with a large diameter foundation have gradually replaced those with small diameter and been applied to more and more ocean structures. The responses of monopiles with small diameter under wind, wave, current and seismic loads have been extensively studied. However, not too much work on large-diameter monopile (>9 m) has been carried out. In this study, finite element method (FEM) is adopted to study a monopile with a diameter of 9 m, and the mechanical responses is presented. Besides the P-Y curves calculated by different ways are compared. It shows that the API specification is more conservative than the results from FEM, which indicates that the performance of the structure can be used more completely. Large deformation and stress zones are generated around the piles, and the soil rotates around the bottom of the pile.


Super Large Diameter Monopile; Lateral Load; P-Y Curve; FEM Analysis; ABAQUS

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/pes.v3i2.1426


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