Lead Toxicity Research: A Review of the Literature

Jingfeng Ding, Hao Wang, Wei He, Zhengtao Xi


Lead toxicity has always been regarded as a symbolic problem in toxicology. Lead, as a widely used industrial heavy metal, is highly persistent in the natural environment and has certain toxicity, and brings huge risks to human health. This article reviews the physical and chemical properties of lead, the sources of lead pollution, summarizes the main exposure pathways of lead, the damage of lead poisoning to the human body, and some prevention and treatment methods for lead poisoning, and discusses the strategies of controlling lead pollution. Once lead enters the human body, the existing methods are difficult to eliminate its impact on human tissues, and prevention-oriented strategies must be adopted.


Lead Toxicity; Poisoning; Human Health

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/pes.v3i3.1402


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