In acidic porous medium under the action of humic acid, riceTio2.Migration and retention mechanisms

Bingkun Wang, Yaotian Yu


Mechanisms. mobility, retention. titanium dioxide nanoparticles (ntio2). Well-defined Porous MediaComposite of clean quartz sand in the presence of full acid (FA) and humic acid (HA) were studied under acidic conditions. ntio2.Were immobile in the Poland media in the absence of FA and HA at pH 4.0. FA and ha could be absorbed into the surface of ntio2., Change the electrochemical properties of ntio2.The transport of ntio2.. The elution of ntio2.Increased from 0.01 and 0.94 to 0.91 and 0.88 with the increase of FA and ha from 1 mg/L to 10 mg/L specially. Compared to FA, more ha was absorbed onto ntio2., And us the affected Effect of ha on transport of ntio2.Was stronger. ions inhibited the mobility of ntio2., And the effect of CaCl2.Was greater than that of NaCl in same concentration. The mobility of ntio2.Was better in the presence of HA than FA. In addition, 7% ~ 56% ntio2.Was preserved in the secondary energy minimum well in the presence of HA, higher than 4% ~ 17% in the presence of FA, which could be easily released when the environmental conditions have changed. High Energy barriers between ntio2.And quartz promoted the mobility of ntio2., While a combination of the secondary minimum energy, strain, diffusion and gratational position were involved in the retention of ntio2..


Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles;Fulvic Acid;Humic Acid;Stability;Transport

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