On Greta Gaard’s critical ecofeminist animal research

Yaxue Wang, Qian Zhao


The term “women” in ecofeminism goes far beyond its own scope and has a wide range of references: women, animals, plants, nature, people of color, grassroots people at the bottom of the ladder, and so on. As a famous contemporary ecofeminist scholar in the United States, Greta Gaard focuses her critical ecofeminism more on the criticism of sexism and speciesism, and she has been committed to animal research in ecofeminism. In her critical animal research, Gaard inherited the animal research of ecofeminists and advanced the research of critical ecofeminist animal study. She is not only highly concerned with the issue of animal oppression, but also proposes the theory of vegan ecofeminism and animal liberation, which are extensions and essence of Gaard’s critical animal research.


critical ecofeminism; animal liberation; vegan ecofeminism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/pas.v5i1.1780


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