Thermal Conductivity of nest materials of Siberian flying Squirrel(Pteromys volans)During winter

Qing Yu


Study of the thermal conductivity of nest materials used or collected by Siberian flying squirrel?(Pteromys volans)During winter is can be an important prerequisite for the study of the inter-nal thermal environment of the nest.We investigated the thermal conductivity of nest materials chosen by Siberian flying squirrel duration winter.The nest materials included the tree hole and In-ner-nest Materials.The thermal conductivity of the tree hole was 0. 145-0. 174 w/(M ·)And the average thermal conductivity of the inner nest material has 0. 0446 w/(M ·).The thermal insu-lation effect of the nest,Which combine the tree hole and inner nest Materials,Was important to the winter survival of Siberian flying squirrel.


flying squirrel; climate conditions;mammals animals; disorder movement; Determination method; heat transfer

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