Polyethyleneimine enhances. situ Gene Delivery, EXPRESSION. Skeletal Muscles. BALB/c mice. Pluronic-mediated System

Jingjing Hu


Objective. correctly introduce cationic polyethyleneimine(PEI). Pluronic L64-mediated gene de-livery system. mice skeletal muscle. enhance. efficiency. gene expression. methods. studyDifferent PEI samples. transferred. mice tibialis anterior muscles via intramuscular injection. SalinePlasmid DNA(PDNA)And this may contribute to the process of gene de-livery in skeleton muscle-Based System,Although pDNA was not fully compressed in L/P/D-0. 5 group. Conclusion The L/P/D-0. 5 system can safely and effectively improved the expression of existing genes in skeleton muscle.


BALB/c mice;Skeleton Muscle gene delivery;Polyethyleneimine;Pluronic

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/pas.v1i1.1171


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