Based onSDNRouting Mechanism of Spatial Information Network Based on and contact Graph

Xiaoxing Zhang


Space information network has network Heterogeneous, topology time-varying, network node storage and calculation ability limited, space equipment maintenance and upgrade is not easy to Characteristics, this show that space information network large spatial and temporal span network system structure, dynamic network environment routing technology and problems need research to solve. So put forward the Based on Software Defined Network (Software Defined networkingSDN) And contact figure of space information network routing mechanism. First for Space Information Network in network Heterogeneous, equipment maintenance upgrade difficult to the problem introducedSDNData Control separation establish network structure. Then for space information network topology periodic Dynamic Change of characteristics put forward based on contact figure of is expected to much path routing strategy and dynamic response routing strategy. Simulation results show that the routing mechanism can enhance data transmission rate and network fault response ability is feasible and effective.


Space Information Network; Software Defined network; contact figure; Routing

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