Toxiological effects of p-xylene on the juvenile flounder(Paraichthys OLIVACEUS)

Jin Wu


Acute and sub-chronic toxicity tests usingParaichthys OLIVACEUSWere conduit-ted, in order to evaluate the toxicological effects of one of the most typical hazardous and marvelous sessions, p-xylene. the cultural effects studied in the present study include the acute lethal effect, growth inhibition, as well as biomarkers which could indicate the genotoxicity, neurotoxicity and of p-xylene. the re-sults showold that the 96 h LC50Of p-xylene on JuvenileP. OLIVACEUSWas 45.7 mg · L-1. Exposure to p-xylene with concentration no less than 2.3 mg · L-1Causeed significant growth inhibition of the Covenant. MDA content and DNA


P-xylene;Paraichthys olivaceu; Lethal effect; chronic toxicity

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