HistoricalREview.REsearch. Generic Competitive Strategies'

Cheng Chen


This paper reviews the history of empirical research of Generic Competitive Strategies from a unique perspective.The researcher pay attention to the introduction and application of palepu summary for strategy identification and strategic Mathematica-cal analysis for the first time.Then,The paper indicators the key problems of this area.Besides,This paper overview the break-through in the analytic modeling for generic strategies and the advances of relative Empirical Research,And finds the opportunity faced by the unconventiontheoretical Constructive Research.Furthermore,The paper forecasting that the game modeling of generic strategies,The analytical verification of palepu acquisitions and Its Related empirical studies may become a research front.Lastly,This paper proposes.


Generic Competitive Strategies';Game Theory;Constrained Optimization;Dupont-palepu financial systems;Strategy Identification

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