Impact of Personality Traits on Employee Performance with Moderating Role of Islamic Work Ethics: Evidence from Islamic Banking of Pakistan

Zaighum Abbas, Sadam Hussain, Hasan Riaz, Qaisar Iqbal


Today is the competitive global world and employees being core in the productivity and performance of the organization.  The purpose of this study is to examine how employee’s personality impact on their performance. There are number of research conducted on the work place ethics and it is getting more and more important topic in future. Unethical issue in the organizations is increasing with every passing day such as harassment, dishonesty, fraud, corruption and unethical behavior.  This research examined the moderating impact of Islamic work ethics on the relationship of personality traits and employee’s performance evidence collected from Islamic banking sector of Pakistan. This study is quantitative. Employees from Islamic banking of Pakistan were the population of this study. A sample of 250 was selected as convenient sample. Personality has five dimensions as defined as John.O. P and Rammstedt.B (2007). Big five theory and its impact was considered on employee performance. SEM test is applied as statistical tool for evaluation of said data. Banks are always on the verge with customer for healthy and strong relationship. These personality traits help to find out the best personality trait to fit in the Islamic banking in terms of performance and productivity. Significance of this study is for Islamic banking sector in Pakistan to understand the personality itself and the implication of this increases the employee performance. This leads the banks to cater more business from their suitable employees.


Financial institutes; Work environment; Work Ethics; Employee’s performance

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