The Targeting Degree of Saudi Women In The Purchasing Decision Process

Iyad Alnsour


This study aimed at determining and measuring effect of targeting degree of Saudi women on the buying decision process of Saudi family, as well as determining the statistical differences in the targeting degree , and the criteria used by Saudi women in buying decision . To achieve the research objectives,  the pilot study was conducted. The study population consisted of all Saudi females living in city of Riyadh estimated at 2.2 millions in year of 2016. The sample was calculated by 387 of Saudi females, and simple random sample was used. The study showed that there is a significant statistical effect of targeting degree of Saudi women on the buying decision of Saudi family, and also it was showed that there are a statistical differences in the buying targeting degree according to years of marriage and number of children in the Saudi family, but there are no statistical differences in buying criteria used in buying process by Saudi women.   Finally, the study recommended a set of marketing implications and suggestions that help the producers and advertisers to design their advertising, products and stores in a way that take the interests the psychological and personal needs of Saudi women. 


Targeting Degree, Purchasing Decision , Saudi Women, Saudi Family.

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