Research on the Quality of Acconuting Information Disclosure of Listrd Companies in China

Danyun Chen


As the main executor of accounting information disclosure, listed companies are more likely to be favored by investors, suppliers, management departments, the public and other stakeholders. They will also be better than non listed companies in the performance of corporate social responsibility, and will disclose more information in the disclosure of environmental accounting information. The information of listed companies is relatively open and transparent. The annual major events public, annual report, interim report, interim report and environmental report are published on the corresponding websites for the convenience of information collection and collation. The quality requirement of accounting information is to meet the needs of stakeholders, so that they can make correct decisions with the useful information. However, there are some problems in the disclosure of accounting information due to the imperfection of the relevant system and the inadequate supervision.


Quality of Accounting Information Disclosure of Listed Companies

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